00 07/10/2013 11:12
My family was big on packing light when we were kids so I was always taught how to wash and dry clothing in a hotel room quickly. Today, I try to pack samples of detergent, or a small travel bottle filled with detergent (you really dont need much for a sinkfull of laundry) and after the garment is washed, lightly squeeze the water out, lay it flat on a shower towel, and gently roll it up in the towel. Then you can lightly step on the towel to squeeze out extra water (no worries of your toes touching your newly washed clothes since it's wrapped up in a towel). Then hang it up to dry in the bathroom overnight. People get that when you are visiting you didn't bring your closet with you- no one is going to gasp in horror or judge you for rewearing the same outfit again. Therefore, I have no issue with wearing the same outfit (especially on airport travel days) as long as I can wash and freshem them up a bit. www.lowcostcarinsur.com/ www.quoteforautoinsur.com/ www.getaccreditedonlinedegrees.net/